Route 33 is a Queensland-based duo, comprised of Jock Barnes and Trent McArdle. Growing up in Southeast QLD, the two met through sport, jammed together one afternoon and have played together ever since. That was almost a decade ago, and they are now an ARIA #1 Australian Country charting duo. They have quickly become a fan-favourite and are in hot demand on the festival circuit. It is always a party when these guys hit the stage, big or small, you can’t avoid their energy and connection with the crowd.
Since their first single release in November 2016, Route 33 have been featured on line-ups at CMC Rocks, Tamworth Country Music Festival, Gympie Music Muster, Savannah in The Round and the Groundwater Country Music Festival. That single, Last First Kiss was their first song to crack #1 on the charts. Their debut album The Switch, from which the single was lifted, went to #6 on the ARIA Australian Country Album Chart, demonstrating that Route 33 had truly arrived.
Jump forward 3 years and Route 33 stepped it up a notch, with the release of their second album, Coro Drive. The album raised the bar on the ARIA Chart, seeing the band achieve a #1 Australian Country position on release. It also gave the duo their first ever million-stream song, with the single Showing Off hitting the milestone on Spotify. The record attracted heavyweight industry names like Sarah McLeod (The Superjesus) for a duet, Mark Williams (Dragon) on backing vocals, as well as musicians from Reba McEntire and Rascal Flatts bands rounding out the release.
With COVID-19 killing touring in 2020, the guys took to the studio, writing and recording tracks that they planned to release once the pandemic clouds had cleared. Fans welcomed them back with open arms, and the track Quarter Past You was immediately added to Spotify’s ‘Fresh Country Playlist’ and Apple Music’s ‘Aussie Country Playlist’ on release in early June. The track has now been streamed over 600,000 times.
The year 2022 was a blur for the band, with Jock marrying his long-time sweetheart, and releasing the track Free to celebrate the occasion. This single was followed up by the 2023 releases ‘Right Girl Wrong Time, ‘Simple Things’ and ‘Summer You’’ which again proved the Route 33 release power, gaining addition to numerous Spotify and Apple Music playlists. These tracks have now combined for almost 1.2 million streams during the 12 months.
With effortlessly catchy tracks, infectious energy on stage, and a knack for crowd interaction, Route 33 are bound for success. If you haven’t seen them live, you are missing out on one of Australia’s best country music experiences. Add them to your playlists, and enjoy the ride… And if you catch a live show, we are betting it won’t be your last!